My Recently Visited Services

Digital reproductions of materials in the collection are offered for research, publication, and, where possible, commercial use.

Help Desk support for computers owned by current Bryn Mawr College faculty, staff, and students is available for a number of issues, including connectivity to the Bryn Mawr College network and some basic troubleshooting. Support availability is subject to the availability of Help Desk staff.

Consult with LITS staff and use the College's extensive collections of art, cultural artifacts, rare books & manuscripts.

Use the College's open access repository to host an electronic journal or a conference website.

LITS supports several rooms on campus that are equipped with video data projection, slide projection, sound system and environmental control systems.

Request an email listserv (also sometimes known as a mailing list)

Did you look something up in Tripod only to go to the shelf and find that it's not there? We're here to help!

Consult with LITS staff on mounting exhibitions on campus. Learn more about current and past displays, including online exhibitions.

Ask the Help Desk!

Reset and manage your College password online or by contacting the Help Desk.

BiONiC / PeopleSoft Campus Solutions application sign on and support information

Consult with LITS staff on the preservation and use of the College's historical records.

Propose a library or information technology project.

LITS provides Qualtrics survey software for academic purposes.

Visitors to campus may request temporary access to campus wireless.

How to get help in the library.

Do you work with a group of community members who would benefit from an orientation to LITS services? Partner with a LITS staff member to plan a session.

Request an appointment with a LITS staff member.

Bryn Mawr College subscribes to a wide variety of streaming video services and provides help with their use.

The libraries keep course materials behind the circulation desk for short-term access. Electronic reserves are available in Moodle.

PeopleSoft Human Capital Management sign on and support information

Get help integrating data into the College web site.

LITS lends digital cameras, optical drives, camcorders, webcams, portable dvd players, and more to Bryn Mawr faculty, staff, and students.