Recording Lectures, Talks and Instructional Video


LITS offers a two options for recording lectures, talks, and instructional video: 

  • Panopto lecture capture system: Bryn Mawr subscribes to a cloud-based lecture capture and video streaming system that makes it easier for faculty, students and staff to record lectures, talks and instructional videos. Many classrooms are equipped with a lecture capture camera, and Panopto can record audio and video of a speaker plus a screencast of what they present on screen/overhead for simultaneously playback.
  • Standalone recording equipment and video-editing software: Faculty, students and staff can also borrow video cameras, tripods and microphones and other equipment and edit recordings using College licenses for WeVideo, Adobe Premiere (part of Adobe Creative Cloud), or Audacity (audio only).

Getting Started

Panopto lecture capture system: Current Bryn Mawr College faculty, students and staff can get a Panopto account and use it to record on device with a built-in or connected microphone and camera (if you need video). Recording through a web browser requires a high-speed Internet connection; the desktop app records to your hard drive, but needs an Internet connection to upload that recording to Panopto's cloud-based platform for sharing.

Using Panopto in a classroom or meeting space:


New to Panopto? The Educational and Scholarly Technology team is happy to help you get set up and oriented. Click Request Help with Panopto above.

Self-help tools: 

For problems with Panopto recordings or troubleshooting support, click Request Help with Panopto and describe the nature of the problem. Panopto support involves coordination across campus systems and LITS departments, and your description can help us connect you to the appropriate person.

For loaner equipment support, see Equipment Lending & Facilities > Borrow Multimedia Equipment.

Video-editing support: 


Panopto lecture capture system: 

  • Access online at or through the Panopto block in a Moodle course. 
  • Current Bryn Mawr faculty and staff and students enrolled in Bryn Mawr courses can get accounts, create or upload recordings, and them with others.
  • Recordings can be shared via public links that anyone can view or shared only with specific people or all Bryn Mawr Panopto users.    
  • Bryn Mawr Moodle courses with a Panopto block have an associated Panopto folder; the Instructor of record and Other editing teachers can record to that folder and all other course participants can view recordings placed there.

Standalone recording and editing: 


Please see our Panopto Service Policy, which includes Terms of Use, Data Collection Policy, and Record Retention for Panopto. 

Request Help with Instructional Video


Service ID: 243
Tue 2/16/16 4:38 PM
Mon 1/29/24 2:25 PM