Digital Bryn Mawr Grants

LITS invites Bryn Mawr faculty, staff, and graduate students to apply for grants to support digital teaching, learning, and research activities--broadly construed. Digital Bryn Mawr Project Grants may be used to support professional development; curricular development; symposia or other events; and other teaching, learning, or research-focused projects, including digital scholarship projects.

The grants are intended to advance engagement with digital technologies, regardless of an individual’s prior experience or expertise. We welcome proposals from absolute beginners, seasoned experts, and everyone in between! We support projects of different scales and at stages ranging from discovery/prototyping to implementation. Please see information on Grants Awarded for ideas.

In order to help build a supportive and sustainable community of faculty, staff, and students engaged in digital pedagogy and scholarship, we will give priority to proposals that foreground collaborations among proposers and members of Library and Information Technology Services (LITS).

Getting Started

  • Applicants are strongly advised to consult with a relevant LITS staff member prior to submitting a proposal. In addition to answering any questions, we can help you think through project goals and plans, develop reasonable budgets and timelines, identify hardware or software resources and needs, and connect with experts or potential collaborators on campus. If you have long-term goals or a large-scale project, we can help you determine which elements could benefit from DBM grant support. 
  • If you are not already working with someone, please schedule a Digital Bryn Mawr project grant consultation or contact any member of the Teaching, Learning and Research Leadership team, who serve as the reviewing committee
  • Download the attached DBMgrantappQs.docx file to preview the questions and/or draft responses in Word to cut and paste into the online proposal form later. 
  • When you are ready, click Submit Proposal to fill out the proposal form:
    1. Log in with your BMC credentials. (Your name and a departmental affiliation will be autofilled; you can change the department if desired.)
    2. Enter a response in every required field, then click Save. (Once you've saved, you can leave and resume editing later by logging into the LITS Service Catalog, and clicking Project Requests.)
    3. Click General, edit your responses if needed, then click Mark as complete when finished.
    4. Click Files, add an optional attachment if needed, and click Mark as complete when finished. 
    5. Click Submit to finalize and submit the proposal.
  • Proposals for professional development opportunities and co-sponsorship of events can be submitted at any time. We will solicit and review project proposals twice a year on October 15 and March 15. Applicants will be notified of decisions within 30 days of the deadline.
  • To view or print your submitted proposals, log in to the LITS Service Catalog and click Project Requests


  • Current Bryn Mawr College faculty, staff and graduate students are eligible to apply. Graduate students will need the approval of their faculty advisor.
  • If you are an undergraduate, you will need to partner college faculty or staff; schedule a Digital Bryn Mawr grant consultation for help finding and connecting with possible partners. 
  • Proposals can be used to request LITS staff time and expertise in addition to monetary support. 
  • Fundable activites include, but are not limited to:
    • hiring undergraduate or graduate student assistants
    • software, courseware, or hardware for pilot projects
    • outside contractor services
    • related professional development (e.g., workshops, training courses, or conference participation)
    • sponsorship or co-sponsorship campus events related to digital technology and teaching, learning, or research (e.g. hosting symposia or guest speakers)
    • experiential educational trips for courses
    • research activities conducted during sabbaticals (not to be used for compensation)
  • These grants cannot be used for:
    • on-going funding for software and hardware beyond a pilot phase
    • BMC faculty or staff stipends (including summer salary)
    • course buyouts or releases

Post-Award Information & Requirements

Successful applicants for seed grants are required to:

  • Collaborate with members of Library and Information Technology Services (LITS).
  • Allow LITS to publish brief descriptions of the project and the names of project team members.
  • Share experiences with your colleagues and/or the Bryn Mawr College community through college events (e.g. Tech Talks, Works in Progress lunches, Colloquium for Visual Culture, Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts Conference, Digital Scholarship Communities of Learning, departmental lecture series, etc.).
  • Submit updates each semester and a final, short report [link coming soon].
  • Be open to future participation in the further development of the digital pedagogy and scholarship community at Bryn Mawr by serving as a mentor or collaborator for other faculty, staff, and graduate students and/or by assuming leadership roles in college committees and programs relevant to digital scholarship and pedagogy.
Submit Proposal


Service ID: 288
Fri 1/18/19 10:29 AM
Mon 2/27/23 12:58 PM