Propose a LITS Project


LITS welcomes library and information technology project proposals from Bryn Mawr faculty, students and staff.

In addition to LITS strategic projects established annually through the College prioritizing process, we receive proposals for additional projects throughout the year and review those proposals on a monthly basis. We arrange follow-up consultations as appropriate with all BMC faculty, students, and staff who propose LITS-supported projects.

Getting Started

Use the Propose a Project button on the right to propose a project in collaboration with LITS.


Contact the Help Desk with questions: or 610-526-7440.


LITS receives many more project proposals than we are able to pursue each year. Beyond the design and development projects that support College-wide academic and administrative programs, we are able to select several additional projects each year to meet innovative teaching, learning, research, and administrative goals of the Bryn Mawr community.

In reviewing proposals, LITS considers how closely the proposed project relates to our mission to enable the College and its diverse constituents to realize their vast potential through the innovative design and meaningful integration of technology and information resources to meet broad and local goals. If the project would be appropriate for LITS to support, we assess whether we have the capacity and resources to provide the requested support.

Propose a Project


Service ID: 199
Tue 1/19/16 4:36 PM
Mon 10/17/22 10:43 AM